Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Conditional acceptance?

After a horrific step towards getting into college, three weeks later I received another letter from the college:

Dear Applicant:
Re: Library and Information Technology

Your application will be processed for the 2003 intake of the program conditional to successful completion of the following:

Submit a two page autobiography to the Enrolment Services within 20 days of
the date of this letter.

Submit an official final mark transcript or certified photo copy for the courses you are currently enroled in Official transcripts should be submitted as soon as completed but no later than July 15, 2002.

Attend a personal interview. Interview details will be forwarded later in the fall as soon as the dates have been finalized.

All applicants are required to have a minimum of 35 WPM in keyboarding with not more than three errors on a five minute timing. The keyboarding skills requirement must be
completed prior to entry into this program. (A keyboarding test will be administered
following the interview)

*In the meantime in order to prepare for the keyboarding test, you may wish to access this web site : http://www.qwery.com/ and download the sample version of the Ainsworth Keyboard Trainer.

This program requires students to read textbooks, articles, journals and instructional packages at a fairly high level of proficiency as there is a considerable amount of material to cover in a short period of time. Your current reading level indicates that you should continue to develop your reading comprehension skills* and then successfully complete a
re-test in reading skills. To arrange for another test ...

If you have any questions concerning your application, please contact Enrolment Services ...


Enrolment Services

* You may wish to enroll in a 40 hour Reading Comprehension and Study Skills course available through Continuing Education. Although this course is not required it is strongly

There was also a list of courses I coull complete by continuing or distance education if I so wished. At the time it wasn't something that I was thinking of.

I was also provided with an updated pamphlet with basic information regarding the program: the courses I would take in each semester, the entrance requirements, and some questions that were probably asked a lot.

To end off tonight's post, I'm going to include my autobiography that I sent to Enrolment Services:

On Thursday, June 7, 1984, I, Rach, entered the world as the first child of my parents, at the Princess Alexandra Maternity Wing in Treliske Hospital, Truro, England. Moments after I was born, I was followed into the world by my brother.

For the first sixteen years of my life, I lived in the county of Cornwall, England. My family and I lived on the outskirts of a small town, named Padstow, in a country cottage, for seven years before moving into the farmhouse my grandparents had lived in.

When I was eleven years old, I transferred from the local elementary school to the local high school. I remember on my first day I was nervous, knowing just a small group of people from the six previous years of school, among two hundred students who were in the same exact positon as me.

At the age of fourteen, I developed a involvement in libraries. I would spend every lunchtime in the library of school, shelving or issuing books. In my fourth year at high school, a new librarian, Mrs. L, started working in the library. Like every librarian, Mrs. L was used to running the library on a different system than that of the one which was being used. Over time, Mrs. L gradually changed the library policies, and as a supporter, I was willing to help in any way I possibly could, whether it was shelving books, issuing books or entering new books into the library computer database.

Two years ago, when I was sixteen, my family and I emigrated to Canada in hope for a better quality of life. It was hard to leave friends and family I cared about but it was also exciting to experience life in a different country that would open new and exciting opportunities for me.

The first year of living in Canada was spent getting used to living life differently from what I had been used to. Money, accents, terminology of words, all were new and different from what I had previously experienced, but these were just minor incidents that I needed to learn to survive in a new country. Although it's nothing to revert back to words people here know nothing of!

I am graduating from SCS on Thursday, June 27th, 2002, with a total of 33 credits. I plan to attend Red River College from September 2003 to study their 2 year Library and Information Technology program so that I can continue working in libraries.

Life is important. Although there can be many rollercoaster rides in life, these experiences make us better people in the long run. I am happy, surrounded by family and friends who care about me, and are there when I need them. I have been supported in life by many friends and family who want to see me suceed in life, and I know that I am grateful
for them to be so close to me.

I am planning for the future, although taking one day a time, not knowing what tomorrow will bring. I realise that what I do today, and in turn tomorrow, will help me further in achieving my dreams and goals.

In the future, I hope that I am happy and looking towards the future with as much excitement as I have now. In fifteen years, I would like to be living in a quiet town with my husband and two children. I would be working in the town library, which I would be able to run by myself.

Although I am young and have my future ahead of me, I am excited about what is in store for me. I know that the life I achieve will be made possible by the paths I choose to follow.

Would this help me further my dream?

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