Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some more words re distance education

As I've been blogging my old notes, and then looking back at what I was writing regarding distance education back in October, I have thought of some more words I'd like to share.

Find out what courses are pre-requistes for courses you will be required to take later in the program. You need to pass them in order to study further. If you see a course is a pre-req for a number of courses, then you know you need to understand them.

Contact the university/college or a program co-ordinator and ask them what you need. I remember when I was at my interview and that I mentioned that I was currently studying Introduction to Libraries, that the program co-ordinators suggested that I also took Basic Library Procedures because the program was in the midst of being reorganized for the next intake. If I had not taken Basic Library Procedures as well, I remember hearing in the very Introduction to Libraries class that the Introduction to Libraries section would have been worthwhile to attend, but assignments would not need to be completed, if it was so desired. Mid-term and Final exams would be edited accordingly. Also, find out if you can transfer the credits you've accumulated towards your program. This is especially important if you would prefer not to go to classes. I'm not saying do it --- but if you feel your time can be better spent for six hours a week by studying for other classes or gaining valuable work experience, then consider it. I know that I missed out on touring various libraries in the city because everyone failed to mention it to me until practically the last tour. If you are going to consider not attending a class, talk to the instructor and explain why you don't want to be there. Find out in the long run what there will be that you will miss from the experience that you wouldn't have obtained. Perhaps it would be possible to attend those classes but not the whole semester?

Study for yourself. Study to improve your knowledge. If you can't do this for you, perhaps you don't have the motivation. Motivate yourself to work. Set yourself deadlines - it's always handy to be completed a module and/or assignment two or three days before hand.

Make sure that you have time to study, but also time for you. If you have a favourite program to watch, schedule that into your daily or weekly routine. Reward yourself for completing modules, reading tasks, assignments, etc. Of course, bigger rewards for completing assignments, and the biggest reward of all when you've finished writing the final exam (and passed it of course :))!

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